First Youth Ministry at First UMC-Marion, VA
If you ever think a life following Christ is boring please hang out with our youth. You will belly laugh until you can’t breathe. You will also make close friends, learn, work and get to know Jesus personally.
As a youth group, we hope the youth will taste and see how FUN and Glorious a life with Jesus is. Life with Jesus is not guaranteed to be an easy life but it will be a full and beautiful life. To see Him show up in our darkest time and then also to bless us with mercy, grace and provision is worth it all. Jesus will never let us down.
Choosing Jesus is the best decision you will ever make.
It is our prayer that the teenagers in the youth group will have an awesome encounter with our Heavenly Father and they will grow in their faith.
Meet our First Youth Director
Hi I'm Laura Robinson, AKA gardening & canning guru, chicken wrangler, Netflix and the Bible Recap fan, wife to Mike and mom to Kyle, David and Hope.
I joined First Youth Church leadership team in 2015 as the Director of First Youth Ministry. My favorite part of the Youth First Ministry is seeing youth choose Christ on their own. I also love watching youth serve the Lord enthusiastically through First UMC outreach ministries such a Food & Fellowship and Santa's Elves. My ultimate dream is have a church gym where we could utilize sports ministries to bring families to God.
Life verse: Jeremiah 29:11

Got questions?
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