What We Value

Values we hold as central.



Reach Out

We believe ONE matters. ONE soul saved, ONE sinner redeemed, ONE life changed. Because we were all the ONE once (Luke 15:7). We believe we should all have ONE person we are praying for, investing in and inviting into a relationship with Jesus. 


Seek Unity in Christ.

We aim to make a large Kingdom impact, but we strive for unity with Christians across our city and the world (Eph. 4:5-6). We want to help Jesus’ prayer come true that all believers would be one (John 17:21). We will fight for each other, love each other or forgive each other because we are brothers and sisters in Christ.


Make Room (Hospitality)

Everyone is welcome. We will go to ‘all possible means’ to welcome people. (1 Cor. 9:22). We are a place where everyone can come home, just as they are (Luke 15:20). We aim to create space for people from all walks of life.


Bring Our Best (Excellence)

Whatever our hands find to do, we should do it with all our might. (Eccl 9:10) Excellence matters because the mission matters, people matter and we are serving God (Eph. 6:7). Simply, God deserves our very best.


Give Well (Generosity)

We serve a generous God. We want to exhibit God's generosity in how we handle our resources FOR Marion and FOR the world (Acts 20:35). We believe our resources, talent and time are entrusted to us to give back for God’s purposes.


Lead With Love (Grace & Truth)

We will preach the truth of Scripture but never with a spirit of hostility (John 1:14; Gal. 5:6b). We speak grace over our community because Jesus speaks grace over us. We teach the truth because we believe the truth sets us free (John 8:32).